Do you want to excite or turn your man on without actually touching him? Then let us explore the way that a man is wired so that we can understand which wire (or wires) to touch or which one (ones) to avoid so that we can turn a man on without touching him.
i. Men are visual creatures! This is the one attribute that all women seem to focus on and it is true that men by nature are easily aroused by what they see so use this fact to tilt the scales in your favor.
a. Ooze with joy and confidence! Is there any way to turn a man on without touching him then by being happy so that you smile easily and unconsciously? Your happiness in who you are and the way that you handle what life deals you on a daily basis will be a continual turn on switch for your man.
b. What is his ‘eye candy’? You need to know what he is attracted to so that you can provide the right flavor of ‘eye candy’. Are long legs his obsession or is it an ample bottom or a generous bosom or a curvy figure? Whatever it is there are ways to dress that show those features to advantage. You do not of course want to go around half naked or in attire that makes you uncomfortable but you want to be happy as a full blooded woman and to dress your body to bring out your best features and to show him his ‘eye candy’ every so often. Remember the law of supply and demand…if his ‘eye candy’ is available but scare then his demand for it will be high but if it is too readily available then his interest in it and its effectiveness in turning him on will diminish so be wise in dispensing his ‘eye candy’.
ii. Men are intellectual creatures! To turn a man on without touching him you must turn him on intellectually.
a. Engage with him mentally! Find topics that he and you are passionate about or are interested in and bring your own unique twist to the discussion mix. There is nothing more engaging to a man than a woman who has real life interests. This does not mean that you dominate the conversation but it does mean that you bring something uniquely you to the discussion. You do not have to share all his interests but you should be interested enough in him to want to know and engage in the things that interest him.
b. See something in him that nobody else sees. This is actually easier than it sounds because you are attracted to him. He may have a walking gait that is uniquely him or a way he pronounces certain words or constructs his sentences or a way his eyes crinkle when he is in deep thought or whatever. Let him know you notice this attractive and quirky trait in him that sets him apart from other men.
c. Listen to him! If you want to turn him on without touching him then he must know that you actually hear the concerns of his heart and the issues in his life. Sit quietly with him and listen to him and encourage him to open up to you by not putting words into his mouth or by being quick to respond and thus cut off his flow.
To turn a man on without touching him requires you to engage with your man visually and intellectually. For a long term relationship you need to do both as a normal part of your life with him. The longer you have been together the more important it is that you turn him on without touching him.
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